Near East University
Near East University (NEU) has over27,000 students from over 45 countries and has over 17 faculity, 92 Departments, 5 Graduate Schools, 4 Vocational Schools and 28 Research Centres which allow students to have quality education as well as fruitfull research objectivs.
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Near East University Tuition Fees and Scholarships
Near East University offers its students "all-inclusive packages" which cover tuition and fees, accommodation(4-people dorms) and food for as affordable as €4,400 per year.
As a way to market the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus all international students are subject to a 50% scholarship except for the Medicine and Dentistry programs furthermore, the students who get impressive results consistently get further scholarships pushing their tuition fees to a mere 25% .
For graduate programs International Students pay an average of € 350 per course .Near East East university offers 1 year Master programs and 2 Year programs.International Students pay € 800 per PhD course on average.
The one year Master programs offered by Near East university costs €7000 of which students can enroll throughout the year; Fall, Spring and Summer Terms. The fee €7000 includes Registration fee, social activity, health insurance, thesis fee, bench fee and tax however students who fail to finish the program within that time period are expected to pay €1850 for every semester extended
All you need to do is to press the APPLY button.
The figure Below helps you to find program & Apply For It, please click on you Degree to see exact specific details per program;

Why Study in Near East University
Cost Effective Tuition Fees
All international students at Near East receive scholarships that cover 50 % of their tuition fees.100% scholarships are also offered on merit to students with outstanding academic achievement.
International Environment
Near East is accredited by the Joint Commission International for Clinical Excellence and also are the only facilities in the Middle East region that offer such a wide range of training and research opportunities.
the University provides many other facilities including:
- Olympic Swimming
- Restaurants & Cafes
- Near East Hospital
- Grand Library
- Student Dormitories
- Innovation Centre – IBM Supercomputer
- Hotel
- Near East Bank
- Tourism Centre
- Colloge
- Junior College
- Nursery
- Preschool
- Animal Hospital
Near East University
Near East Boulevard
ZIP: 99138
Nicosia / TRNC
Mersin 10 - Turkey