التصميم الجرافيكي

التصميم الجرافيكي

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Graphic Design

About the Department

Graphic Design Education is at the intersection of communication, art, and design. Graphic Design rises the esthetic qualities with its artistic approach, and it needs to set a proper communication as well. Our students first gain the ability to see and perceive with this artistic point of view. During their education, students learn various methods and techniques in order to bring words, symbols, and images together to represent the visual expressions of thoughts and posts, and form new formats. The Department trains designers that are in harmony with the dynamic nature of our age. They are aesthetically and technically equipped with the ability to produce creative thinking and be confident, prepared in accordance with the contemporary requirements in areas such as product logos, envelopes, business cards, files, packaging designs, box designs, posters, interior designs, open air adverts, flyers, catalogs, corporate identities, brand positioning, web design, photos, print pictures and illustrations.


Educational Opportunities

The curriculum is refreshed and modified according to changes and developments in the current design atmosphere. In the project courses, multidirectional preparation and multidisciplinary studies are provided for the design process of the students. There is also a jury system that contributes to the development of students. Thus, the students express themselves and their work to the members of the department and guest jury members. During the education,  the graphic design students have plenty of opportunities to attend in various design events which arranged by the department such as design talks, workshops, seminars, and exhibitions. Students are also encouraged to study on local design and visual communication issues with an international based design awareness. 


Career Areas

Graphic design department aims to educate professionals with the skills of designing, implementing, sharing and managing, who are student and learning focused, have a visual cultural and aesthetic point of view, are based on benefit-value creation and questioning; sensitive, creative, social, cultural and environmentally sensitive and responsible. There is a large preference scale in front of a designer who graduated from our department. Businesses working online or that exist in any market sector require the services of graphic designers. Individuals graduating from the Department of Graphic Design can work in the design departments of advertising agencies, magazines and newspapers, design firms, and in the design teams of corporate firms. In addition, our graduates can work in the field of contemporary media assuming responsibility in different fields of art.



لغة التدريس
رسوم التدريس السنوي
6200 €
بعد الحسم
3098 €
مجال التعليم
فنون و تصميم

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أختر البلد التي ترغب باستكمال دراستك الجامعية بها. نحن نركز على الدراسة في جامعات قبرص وتركيا.
أختر الجامعة التي تناسب متطلباتك, ثم أختر البرنامج الذي ترغب بالتقدم اليه.
أرفق المستندات المطلوبة (جواز سفر, شهادة ثانوية, الخ,,) ثم أرسل طلبك.عد للبداية واختر برنامجاً اخر (في حال تعدد الرغبات) دون الحاجة لارفاق ملفاتك مرة اخرى.