العلوم الأساسية والعلوم الإنسانية

العلوم الأساسية والعلوم الإنسانية

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Basic Sciences and Humanities

Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities aims to give a strong foundation to students enrolling in various graduate and undergraduate programs of the university through courses in basic sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, statistics, and humanities such as philosophy, sociology, history. In the department’s capacity, there are over 60 different courses in basic sciences and humanities being opened each semester. These various courses give students the ability to analyze events through different viewpoints, think critically, recognize the cultural differences as factors that enrich our society and appreciate the culture of living in a commune. As a result, students can face problems in their field of study in a broader vision.

Apart from providing graduate and undergraduate courses, the department of basic sciences and humanities believes in the necessity of research activities to solve the problems of the community our university is a part of. Faculty members of our department work in conjunction with other departments in our university on inter disciplinary research projects to achieve this goal.



لغة التدريس
رسوم التدريس السنوي
6200 €
بعد الحسم
3098 €
مجال التعليم
فنون و تصميم

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يستغرق منك فقط 5 دقائق

أختر البلد التي ترغب باستكمال دراستك الجامعية بها. نحن نركز على الدراسة في جامعات قبرص وتركيا.
أختر الجامعة التي تناسب متطلباتك, ثم أختر البرنامج الذي ترغب بالتقدم اليه.
أرفق المستندات المطلوبة (جواز سفر, شهادة ثانوية, الخ,,) ثم أرسل طلبك.عد للبداية واختر برنامجاً اخر (في حال تعدد الرغبات) دون الحاجة لارفاق ملفاتك مرة اخرى.