الوسائط الرقمية والتسويق

الوسائط الرقمية والتسويق

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Digital Media and Marketing

I want to study Digital Media and Marketing because…………

 In today’s world, technology is becoming more involved in our daily lives, so I want to have the fundamental knowledge about media and marketing management and I want to be well equipped with this knowledge so that I  can implement it in the digital sector and start my business life with a competitive advantage over the others.

 Content of Education

 Throughout the four year-curriculum, it is aimed to improve students’ knowledge and ability in terms of both theory and practice. In the first two semesters, students will be introduced with  fundamentals of communication, media and marketing along with other courses such as information technology, English and economics. Starting from the third semester, students will be taught the courses which is focused on digital media and digital marketing. Also in the fourth semester and afterwards, students will be able to choose among elective courses, which will allow them to specialize on the area of their own interest.

Career Opportunities

 In today’s world, digital media is on demand in the education sector as much as it is in the other sectors. New concepts have emerged like e-trade and e-marketing as a result of the increase in the utilization rate of digital media. Regarding this, people who want to be employed in many sectors are now demanding their education in this direction. At this point, there is an increasing need for the educated workforce. The utilization areas of digital media have been broaden over the years and it is now used in every aspect of the trade. Besides the need and demand for the educated workforce in the field, also there is a need for academicians to raise this educated workforce. Graduates of this department will be easily employed in different areas of media and marketing sector and they will be equipped with the required knowledge needed to continue their further academic studies like Masters and Ph.D.  


لغة التدريس
رسوم التدريس السنوي
3194 €
بعد الحسم
3194 €
مجال التعليم
الاقتصاد والعلوم الإدارية

كيفية التقدم عن طريق ApplyForFree
يستغرق منك فقط 5 دقائق

أختر البلد التي ترغب باستكمال دراستك الجامعية بها. نحن نركز على الدراسة في جامعات قبرص وتركيا.
أختر الجامعة التي تناسب متطلباتك, ثم أختر البرنامج الذي ترغب بالتقدم اليه.
أرفق المستندات المطلوبة (جواز سفر, شهادة ثانوية, الخ,,) ثم أرسل طلبك.عد للبداية واختر برنامجاً اخر (في حال تعدد الرغبات) دون الحاجة لارفاق ملفاتك مرة اخرى.