الرسوم المتحركة

الرسوم المتحركة

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Cartoon and Animation

About the Department

The field of cartoon and animation has become popular following the current expansion of digital technologies. While cartoons extend the visual language to cinema/film images where the stories are comprised and designed with drawings, animation shapes this language with the spirit of technical and visual perfection. Cartoon and animation, for this reason, can be defined as a field involving unique characteristics in itself.   The Cartoon and Animation Department is designed for students who like to narrate imagined characters using moving drawings beyond conventional cinematic and photographic representations, and who want to develop, test, and to perfect their creative potentials in a variety of related fields including film, television, video games, and advertising. The department, within this framework, educates both cartoon designers and animators who are needed by the film, television and advertising industries.

Educational Opportunities

The Cartoon and Animation Department aims to be a centre for perfection in the field, consisting of cartoon, animation, art, technology, and professional business. The department that incorporates these components into its creative potential embodies a variety of courses, from art education to basic design and sketch techniques, from 2D and 3D animation to sound and scene design, and word and image in motion. In order to educate the students needed for the professional field, the Cartoon and Animation Department accommodates intensive studio/lab courses in addition to theoretical ones. The content of education designed so that in the first year design essentials are taught, in the second and third years knowledge and abilities related to cartoon and animation field developed and tested with the professional summer training sessions, and in the fourth year students discover their creative potentials and process and develop them within unique projects. Department students benefit from the international atmosphere in our university and take courses in Turkish from internationally experienced lecturers.


Career Areas

The cartoon and animation field has been recognised in recent studies as an occupation of the future. This area, which combines technology with creative imagination, covers the conventional communication medium like radio-television, cinema, advertising, and video, and causes fundamental changes that create new employment opportunities in these fields. Within this context, graduates of the Cartoon and Animation Department have a variety of career opportunities. Department graduates have the opportunity to have careers as a professional animators or as cartoon designers, especially in the following institutions, agencies, or companies: 

  • Film Production Companies
  • Animation Studios
  • Advertising Agencies Animation Designs
  • TV Editing Suites
  • Video and Film Productions
  • Special Effect Design
لغة التدريس
رسوم التدريس السنوي
6200 €
بعد الحسم
3098 €
مجال التعليم
اعلام و تواصل

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