الرسوم المتحركة وتصميم الألعاب

الرسوم المتحركة وتصميم الألعاب

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General Information

The major goal of the Animation and Game Design program is focused on educating students in the latest tools and technologies used to create digital and interactive content to offer a future for its graduates. The Program enables students to advance their applicable skills and knowledge, and develop their artistic expression through courses that are aligned with current industry demands.

The course curriculum will offer a foundation of traditional drawing, illustration, and art courses in addition to courses in 2D and 3D animation, sound design, storyboarding, character development, and game technologies.


A fine balance between theoretical and practical courses will ensure educational effectiveness. Students will not only have knowledge on the keys concepts related to animation and game design, but they will also have the skills and know-how of applying this knowledge to their field of interest.

In short, the program seeks to impart to its students strong technical competence in fundamental arts principles along with specialized competence in the tools needed to be successful in the field of interactive entertainment. At the same time the program seeks to nourish a student’s creative talents through opportunities for internships and special projects, allowing students to develop a personal aesthetic as well as a high standard of individual excellence and professionalism.


The Department is equipped with state-of- the-art facilities that will allow students to produce world-class animations and games. In addition to three Mac-labs, students have access to an all-PC computer lab with power to handle even the most demanding projects. A motion capture studio for realistic human animations is also available for students. Furthermore, a fully-equipped green screen studio, as well as a professional-grade photography studio, provide ample production opportunities for students. Within the faculty, student have access to television studios, audio studios, editing suites and video equipment as well.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Department of Animation and Game Design will have ample job opportunities in various fields. For example, graduates will easily be able to work in animation and game design firms, advertising agencies, production companies and TV stations as producers, art directors, animators, character designers, interface designers and visual effects supervisors. Because of relatively low business-entrance costs, students will also be able to establish their own production companies and serve the animation and game design markets globally.

لغة التدريس
رسوم التدريس السنوي
4405 $
بعد الحسم
4838 $
مجال التعليم
اعلام و تواصل

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