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Faculty of Pharmacy

European University of Lefke, Faculty of Pharmacy, located in the campus of European University of Lefke, offering education in the faculty building designed for pharmacy education has 6 student laboratories, 6 classrooms and an internship pharmacy located in the first floor of the faculty. The medium of teaching in the faculty is English and the period of study is 5 years (10 semesters). The education in our faculty is conducted with specialist pharmacist faculty members all of whom has Ph.D. degree in the related discipline.

We, as European University of Lefke Faculty of Pharmacy open our doors to education with our fully equipped laboratories and teaching staff. Here, students will receive education in order to become an expert in pharmacological care and with the basic and occupational science courses and fully equipped laboratory trainings that they will receive, they will graduate as the ‘pharmacists of the future’ who will offer first level health services among the health care teams of their countries.


Our mission is to raise innovative pharmacists and scientists pioneering in education for the benefit of society and people.

Our vision is to contribute to the protection, promotion and development of health and the sustainability of social welfare by leading pharmacy education, research and serving the public.

Laboratories in our faculty are adequate for education as well as researches.

Our students will graduate with friends all over the world thanks to our multi-cultural student profile.

The graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy have extensive working fields. They may find jobs as pharmacy pharmacist, hospital pharmacist; clinical pharmacist, pharmacist in relevant departments in ministries of health, in the fields of pharmaceutical manufacturing, formulation, quality control, licensing and medical departments; in the cosmetic industry; and in drug stores. Furthermore, our students who are the only ones that receive formal education on medicinal plants and treatment with medicinal plants will have the chance to take place in the production of herbal medicinal raw materials and herbal medicine.

رسوم التدريس السنوي
3990 €
بعد الحسم
3990 €
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