العلاج الطبيعي وإعادة التأهيل

العلاج الطبيعي وإعادة التأهيل

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Basis of the Physical Therapy is the human functions and movements. Physical Therapy is a health care profession, primarily concerned with the remediation of impairments and disabilities and the promotion of mobility, functional ability, quality of life and movement potential through examination, evaluation, diagnosis and physical intervention. Graduates of this field receive the title of “Physiotherapist”


Period and Content of the Study;

The training period of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department is 4 years.

Our students receive their training in the laboratories equipped with the necessary professional and technological equipments. In this regard, we follow the innovations and technological developments in the frame of continuous development concept and offer a high level education to our students. Our main aim is to train qualified physiotherapists who can work in the TRNC, Turkey and other parts of the world.


Occupational Areas of Graduates;

  • Therapy Centers (University Hospitals, Training and Research Hospitals, State Hospitals etc.),
  • Special education Centers,
  • Rehabilitation Centers
  • Fitness Centers,
  • Vocational rehabilitation Centers,
  • Sport Clubs and National Teams
  • Nursing Homes,
  • Industries (factories etc…)
  • Other…

Fields of Study

  • Orthopedic Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Neurological Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Sports Physiotherapy
  • Geriatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Pediatrics Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Women’s Health Physiotherapy
  • Prosthetics-orthotics Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Hand rehabilitation
  • Sports Recreation Activities in Disabilities
  • Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Public Health
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Vestibular Physiotherapy

Career Advancement;

For the academic progress of the graduates of our department within the scope of the study areas, our university offers master’s degree opportunity.  In this respect, our graduate students can get the title of “Expert”. Apart from Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, there is a possibility to receive a master’s degree in different fields such as Neurological Rehabilitation, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Exercise Physiology, and Athlete Health.

If there are more than one physiotherapist in the hospitals, there is the opportunity of receiving the titles of “Responsible Physiotherapist” in “Head Physiotherapist” from the chief of medicine.

رسوم التدريس السنوي
5600 €
بعد الحسم
2940 €
مجال التعليم
العلوم الصحية

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