تغذية والغذاء

تغذية والغذاء

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Nutrition and Dietetics

About the Program

The aims of the nutrition and dietetics section include: improving health, improving the treatment of diseases, providing information about sufficient and balanced nutrition in society, raising the strength of humankind and making a social contribution by doing research in these areas. In addition to theoretical teaching and laboratory practices in the classroom, students reinforce their knowledge with periodic projects, community health internships, and workshops conducted in cooperation with the sector and universities. Our students perform clinical internships in adult and pediatric hospitals, institutional internships in food and beverage service providers (such as food factories, schools, and public institutions), private or university-state hospitals. After successfully completing 4 years of education, our students are entitled to receive the title of "Dietitian" with a "Nutrition and Dietetics Graduate Diploma".


Educational Opportunities

Dietitianism is defined as a health profession. For this reason, the training of our students equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to meet contemporary health care needs, is designed according to universal qualities and national needs so that they can solve health problems by working in the understanding of a team. In this context, during the first stage of the education and training program, our students carry out applications of their theoretical knowledge in nutrition principles, anthropometry, food chemistry, and microbiology laboratories. In addition to these applications community health internships contribute to solving nutritional problems of the society and inform society with accurate information about nutrition. Through institutional and hospital nutrition training, our students also practice internship, and adult and child nutrition systems in private and state hospitals.


Career Areas

A Dietitian is a healthcare professional who has successfully completed the nutrition and dietetics education program, being entitled to enter this profession by taking a "Nutrition and Dietetics Graduate Diploma". The need for dieticians, important members of any healthcare team, has increased as growth, development, maintenance of lifelong health, increased quality of life, and the importance of treating health problems have increased. Dietitians can work in any of the following: Inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities (private and public hospitals, outpatient clinics, health centers, dialysis units, etc.),Collective feeding systems (food factories, hotel food and beverage departments, all private and public institutions, etc.),Institutions providing public health services (Mother-child health centers, health centers,elderly care homes, etc.),Dialysis Centers, Enteral-parenteral feeding teams, special diet policlinics, the food industry, and sports centers, as well as being able to serve as researchers, educators, therapists, and rehabilitants in educational and research institutions.

لغة التدريس
رسوم التدريس السنوي
6200 €
بعد الحسم
3098 €
مجال التعليم
العلوم الصحية

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